Cyber Bullying Detection

Cyberbullying statistics are shocking. The number of affected young people is increasing dramatically with the affordability of mobile technology devices combined with a growing number of social networks.

Harassment aims to discriminate people on the basis of race, sex, disability etc. and bullying aims to intimidate people. The use of the terms "cyberharassment'' and "cyberbullying'' is relatively new.  Both terms involve the application of modern technologies to support negative human behavior. The ubiquitousness and affordability of modern technology makes it easy for organisations and individuals to easily communicate via e-mails, chat rooms, message boards and social media which generates a huge amount of public and private data containing information reflecting the pulse of the society. Unfortunately, this accessibility of the technology has also created a forum for the expression of negative human emotions, some of which  also gives rise to tragic outcomes such as suicides, self harm and mental illnesses.

The aim of this research is to create a framework for detecting cyber harassment from textual communication data, so that systems can be implemented to catch and eliminate harassing texts before it is able to inflict harm.

Project team

  • Parma Nand